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Improving your path to retirement success



Partner with Gosselin Consulting Group
A specialist in retirement plan consulting


Image of a dotted line going from one circle through two circles to show the company knows how to get from point A to point B.
  • Plan Design Services
    Ongoing analysis and review of plan demographics and design features (i.e. auto-enrollment, company match, participant education and communication strategy) Service provider collaboration (to lessen committee workload) Participant communication / education material review and strategy
  • Vendor Search Services
    Start to finish management of the recordkeeper search process (in collaboration with committee) Design and distribution of Request for Proposal (RFP) to appropriate vendors Assessment of vendor responses and creation of executive summary / comparison Coordination of finalist meetings Support throughout implementation process (if new vendor selected)
  • Operations Support Services
    Collaboration and support across all service providers to ensure consistency and efficiency (i.e. recordkeeper, investment managers, auditor(s), outside counsel, third party administrator, insurance provider(s)) Manage and support for investment / fund changes, including implementation of non-registered vehicles (CITs, separate accounts) and approvals for asset capacity constrained products Plan merger and acquisition support (mappings, communications, education, fee negotiations)
About Us


With a nearly exclusive focus on working with Defined Contribution (“DC”) retirement plan sponsors, Gosselin Consulting

Group seeks to mitigate fiduciary liability exposure for our clients. We believe this will lead to improved plan participation

and engagement resulting in better participant retirement outcomes and overall retirement readiness. We pride ourselves

on providing each unique client with fully customized and proactive forward-thinking advice backed by comprehensive research, prudent process, sound reasoning, and extensive documentation. 

100% Independent

& Employee-owned


ERISA Fiduciary

> 27 Years of (Average)

DC Experience

Excellent Client Retention Since Firm Inception


As an advocate and direct extension of our clients’ retirement committees, Gosselin Consulting Group is dedicated to addressing the unique needs of (and challenges faced by) DC retirement plan sponsors. To best align our interests with those of our clients, we serve as an acknowledged and documented ERISA 3(21) or 3(38) fiduciary. We’re known as a “boutique” consulting firm, offering the full service typical of much larger organizations but with the benefits of a small firm approach and cost structure.  We collaborate with each client and create a customized approach tailored to their plan’s demographics.

Asset class structure is of equal importance to manager selection when constructing an investment menu

Managers who invest in higher quality securities (vs benchmark) can mitigate downside performance risk and outperform (long-term) at lower risk (long-term)

Solving for the many DC fiduciary investment risks helps reduce the probability of participant account impairment and mitigate fiduciary liability

Research Anchor
People in a meeting
Like the arrow above, it is an arrow made of dotted lines going from one circle to another circle to represent that the company knows how to get to point A to point B.


Quality Matters

Choosing equity investment options for use in a Defined Contribution plan is not just about selecting the best manager in each of the plan’s asset classes - there are many competitive managers in most investment categories, yet some may not be suitable or appropriate for use in a DC plan. We believe a deciding factor behind the selection decision should be based on the quality of a portfolio’s underlying holdings.

Focus on Fees

At Gosselin Consulting Group,

we believe an equitably distributed direct per participant fee (by use of a fixed dollar per head cost rather than percentage or basis points) is the most appropriate plan financing strategy for most plan sponsors. This approach:

  • fairly allocates recordkeeping costs across all participants

  • minimizes or eliminates participant subsidization

  • provides participants with full plan administration fee transparency

Understanding ERISA 404(a)

The Employee Retirement

Income Security Act of 1974

requires that a Defined

Contribution plan identify one or

more named fiduciaries in the

plan document. In addition to the

named fiduciary(s), a person may

also be considered a fiduciary

based on their conduct and

authority over the plan. It’s

critical to know if you are a

fiduciary and understanding your

responsibilities are key to

reducing risk.

Our Team


Founded in 2010 as a “boutique” consulting firm, our team averages over 29 years of experience in the financial industry. We offer a unique and blended perspective to the marketplace having worked for some of the industry’s largest recordkeeping and asset management firms while serving the dual roles of investment consultants and research analysts. We have extensive experience developing investment strategy research models and managing open investment architecture platforms for DC plan sponsors. Our experience ranges from working with plan sponsors of all sizes. Regardless of plan size and characteristics, we bring a proactive, customized, and client-first approach to each of our client relationships.


For more information please contact us at:

Gosselin Consulting Group, LLC

25 Braintree Hill Office Park, Suite 200

Braintree, MA 02184



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A little different from the above, this is a dotted arrow that passes through several circles.
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